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Following the success of the TribeLine Jugs, we called on Christophe Picard to expand the range with an underrated grip: holes!

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French design

By Christophe Picard 

In 2021, we called on Christophe Picard to shape a category of holds from the Tribeline range: the jugs

But his talent and creativity know no bounds so, with guidelines from Brice, he soon moved on to another type of grip! Namely, pockets.

Often shunned by modern climbing, which prefers slopers and oversized holds, pockets are considered unpleasant and painful, because it is difficult to get purchase on them and they require a lot of straight finger strength. As for one-finger pockets, they’re hard on the skin and hard on the joints! And yet pockets were all the rage in the 80s and 90s thanks to Buoux and its legendary routes such as Rêve de papillon or La rose et le vampire.

Christophe renew them


Dual-tex shapes are technically challenging, as there is no grip at the edges

The pockets are more or less recessed or flared depending on their orientation, so the setter can really play around with the difficulty!

All sizes are available, with 40 shapes from M to XXL.

As with the rest of the Tribeline range, their symmetry is great for creating boulders and routes on a theme.


Official provider

2500 holds, 250 volumes and 150 macros

French design

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